
Podcast Show Notes

Get podcast show notes that drive downloads and listener engagement.

Podcast Shownotes Writing Service

Dreading Writing Podcast Show Notes?

We’re sure you don’t like repeating yourself.

And writing podcast episode show notes can feel like exactly that.

Trying to remember all the topics covered and creating intriguing copy out of it is a drag. What all was spoken about? What words will get listeners to hit play?

Not to mention capturing all the resources that were discussed.

Like the previous episode you mentioned which now needs to be linked to, that niche study that came out, and your coaching guest’s quiz which promises to help potential clients lose weight (and they’re very excited about sharing that to grow their email list).

We’ll create podcast show notes that intrigue listeners to click play, and blog posts that help your SEO rankings, all while capturing all those pesky resources and links mentioned.

Even that quiz your guest shared.

Our ​Podcast Show Notes Packages

Podcast Show Notes

Essential Podcast Show Notes


Perfect for no-nonsense podcasters and hobbyists, our Essential Podcast Show Notes give you a brief overview of the episode, as well as a list of all resources and links mentioned.

Podcast Show Notes

Standard Podcast Show Notes


Ideal for podcasters looking to increase their online exposure, our Standard Podcast Show Notes go beyond the basics.

In addition to intrigue-building introductions, and a comprehensive list of resources and links mentioned, we provide a multi-paragraph breakdown of themes covered in the episode, complete with timestamps and headings, as well as tweetable excerpts perfect for sharing on social media.


Get the most out of your podcast’s show notes

Podcast Show Notes

Blog Posts


Ideal for podcasters whose website is a core part of their marketing, our SEO-optimized Podcast Blog Posts maximise your online visibility.

We craft content enriched with HTML headings, strategic keywords, and meta tags to aid your SEO ranking. Our blog posts include images, alt text, and rich content that all contribute to higher search rankings, giving your brand an edge in discoverability online.

Podcast Show Notes



Essential for podcasters looking to ensure accessibility and expand their reach, transcripts not only make your content accessible to those who are hard of hearing or have similar impairments, but they also boost your word count for SEO purposes, significantly expanding your online reach.

It’s a win-win for inclusivity and visibility.

Asked Questions

Have a question about our Podcast Show Notes packages? See our most frequently asked questions here.

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Podcast show notes are the written component of your podcast episodes, displayed everywhere that you listen to podcasts, as well as your show’s website.

They are a valuable resource to listeners as they provide a snapshot of the episode’s content, key takeaways, and links to relevant resources.

Because of this, they’re often what determines if a listener hits “play” on your episode.

Absolutely! Every podcast has its unique style and tone, and our team can adapt your show notes to match your podcast’s specific voice.

Yes! So long as the podcast episode’s audio/video has not changed (as this affects topics and timestamps) we’re happy to accommodate your requests.

Yes! Our show notes include timestamps, making it easy for your listeners to quickly navigate and find specific sections within your podcast.

48 business hours is our standard turnaround time for creating your podcast episode’s show notes. Shows which involved more complex narrative arrangements and revisions may lengthen the turnaround time.

Sure! We’re always happy to meet podcasters and talk through things to see how we can help. You can contact us to set up a call, or just hash things out over email.

Don’t see your question?
Contact us to learn more.

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