Terms of Service

Table of Contents

Recording Studio Terms & Conditions

By engaging to rent Zapods Podcast Recording Studio (hereinafter referred to as “Zapods”) you, (herein referred to as “the Client”), hereby state that you have read, fully understand and agree to be bound by the following terms and conditions:

1. Bookings & Payment

  • The Client will provide full payment for all reservations of Zapods’ studio space.
  • The Client’s reservation date and time will not be held until this payment is received and cleared.
  • Payment for the Client’s rental must be received before the Client’s reserved time begins.
  • Accepted payment methods are EFT or via PayFast on the Zapods website booking platform. 
  • If Zapods must cancel the Client’s reservation, the Client will receive a full refund.
  • Zapods reserves the right to refuse and/or cancel reservations at its sole discretion.

2. Cancellations:

  • with less than 48 hours notice will be charged the full booking fee.
  • with less than 7 days notice but more than 48 hours notice will receive a 50% refund.
  • with more than 7 days notice will receive a 100% refund.

3. Length of Use

  • Hourly rental periods are 60 minutes.
  • Half day rental periods are 4 hours.
  • Full day rental periods are 8 hours.
  • Overtime will be calculated in increments of 15 minutes beyond the contracted end-time of the rental period when the Client is either still using or occupying the studio space.
  • Overtime fees will be assessed as per the fee paid for the booking.
  • Do not arrive late. The Client’s rental time begins promptly at the designated starting time and ends promptly at the designated ending time. Late arrivals will not receive extension of scheduled ending time. There will be NO exceptions to this rule.

4. Terms of Use

  • Use of Zapods’ studio and equipment is AT THE CLIENT’S OWN RISK. The Client hereby waives rights to seek legal redress for mishaps, accidents, and/or loss while on our premises.
  • The Client agrees to leave the studio and adjacent grounds in the same condition as they were when the Client arrived. Any excessive mess or damage caused during the session may result in additional cleaning fees or charges for repairs.
  • The Client is solely responsible for any legal infractions the Client or members of the Client’s party make during the conduct of the recording session, be they in Zapods’ studio or elsewhere.
  • This includes parking tickets, all other violations or citations, and legal action resulting from the conduct of the recording session, taken at whatever time.
  • The Client agrees to hold harmless Zapods, its owner, agents, representatives, and contractors acting on its behalf for any loss, accident, or injury to the Client’s self or anyone who accompanies the Client while on our premises.
  • The Client agrees to be solely responsible for the conduct and welfare of all persons accompanying the Client while on our premises.
  • The Client understands that if Zapods observes dangerous or negligent practices or activities are being engaged in Zapods reserves the right to stop the recording session and require the Client and the Client’s party to leave immediately — HOWEVER, Zapods assumes NO RESPONSIBILITY to act in such cases. The Client agrees to hold Zapods, its agents, representatives, and anyone acting on behalf of Zapods completely harmless from any action, legal or otherwise, that results from the Client’s conduct.
  • The Client is solely responsible for verifying that all people employed during the Client’s rental period are of legal age for the activities they are to be engaged in.
  • Zapods has no responsibility to determine or verify the age of participants in the Client’s activities but reserves the right to end those activities if it becomes aware that legal age violations are on-going.
  • The Client agrees that a Zapods representative will be present in the studio at all times the Client is using it.

5. Equipment:

  • Zapods agrees to provide equipment in good working order, but makes no special guarantees as to said equipment’s functionality or suitability to the Client’s purposes.
  • Zapods is not liable for acts out of its control that affect the shoot, such as power outages, weather, emergencies, strikes, protest, war, or acts of God. In such cases, Zapods will refund a prorated portion of the Client’s payment.
  • The Client is responsible for the proper use and care of all equipment provided by Zapods during their recording session. Any damage caused to the equipment due to negligence will be the responsibility of the Client and may result in additional charges.

6. Media Release

  • Upon payment in full, the recorded audio and video becomes the property of the Client.
  • The Client is responsible for clearing any applicable copyright, licenses or permissions for any third-party content used.
  • The Client is responsible for acquiring and recording consent for all people recorded during the recording session.
  • Zapods will not be held liable for any legal action resulting from any recordings taken on premises, or works created using these recordings.
  • Zapods will not be held liable for any damages due to loss of audio and/or video recordings taken on premises.
  • By utilizing the recording studio services at Zapods, the Client grants Zapods the perpetual, worldwide right to use, reproduce, distribute, and display any photographs, audio recordings, or video footage captured of the Client and any people involved during their recording booking while on the premises (the “Media”).
  • This Media may be used by Zapods for any promotional or marketing purposes across any and all media, including but not limited to the Zapods’ website, social media platforms, online advertisements, physical advertisements, recordings, broadcasts, and any other digital, online or physical media, without any compensation to you.
  • Zapods maintains the right to edit, remix, or alter the Media as needed. The Client waives any right to inspect or approve the use of the Media. This release is perpetual and irrevocable.

7. Miscellany

  • This Agreement incorporates the entire understanding and agreement between the Client and the Company.
  • Any waiver of a breach or default hereunder shall not be deemed a waiver of a subsequent breach or default of either the same provision or any other provision of this Agreement.
  • Zapods reserves the right to amend these Terms at any time without prior notice. Clients are encouraged to review these Terms regularly for any changes.
  • Zapods reserves the right to refuse service to any client who violates these Terms or behaves in a manner deemed inappropriate or disruptive.
  • The laws of the Republic of South Africa shall govern this Agreement. The parties have read both this entire Agreement and agree to all its terms.


By booking with us, you affirm you have read and agree to these terms and conditions. We reserve the right to deny service for violations of these terms.